How to learn roller skates?
Jan 01, 1970
Sports can be seen everywhere, and outdoor roller skates are also a kind of physical and mental health exercise, which has become a favorite sport of contemporary people.
In current life, many people choose sports to release their hearts because of the pressure of life. The variety of sports makes people wonder how to choose, however, many people choose roller skates for both men and women. But how to learn roller skates?
Is it hard to roller skates?
Basic skills
- Balance
- Shifting
- Pose
- Putting on
- Pushing off
Is it hard to roller skates?
skating is actually a pretty great activity these days. There are a lot of fun dance moves you can do in a small space, and even if you dream of cruising around a rink or the skate park, the first step is getting comfortable on wheels at home. So if you want to get into skating for the first time, here’s what you’ll need to know.
There are two types of quad roller skates you’ll see around. The ones with heeled boots that lace up the ankles are made for doing figure skating moves like jumps and spins, and they work well for casual skating as well. These are your classic retro-style roller skates.
The first step in learning to skate is simply training your body on how to move when you have wheels under you. The fastest way to accomplish this is to just wear your skates at home, whether your house contains good places to skate or not.
Even if all your floors are carpeted, you’ll get the sense of where to place your weight on your foot as you walk around.
The other type is a low-cut skate that looks more like a sneaker. These give you zero ankle support, but more flexibility. They’re great for the fancy footwork of jam skating, and this is also the style preferred among roller derby players.
There are a couple of things you’ll need to do with your skates to keep them rolling smoothly. First, be able to tighten or loosen the nuts on your wheels. Often, skates will come with the nuts too tight. Make sure they’re loose enough that when you hold the skate up and flick the wheel, it spins freely.
A basic skate tool will include a socket for the wheel nuts and a socket for the nuts on your trucks. Looser trucks will steer more sharply, but they’ll feel more wobbly. You’ll need to adjust your trucks to match your skill level and suit the type of skating you want to do.
Basic skills
Don't put your skates on yet. Try your balance first. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and naturally slightly flexed (only an inch or so), as if you are about to sit in a chair. Align your shoulders over your hips and hips over your feet. Wherever your hips are is where you are most likely to be. Now lean left or right lightly with your hips over one foot. This emulates the beginning of "pushing off" with your opposite foot. Without picking up your foot, shift your balance to the opposite leg, keeping the slight bend.
Shifting back and forth over your ankles, not the tops of your feet will help you get a feel for where you need to center and stay above your skates. Try not to lean forward. Let your feet propel you. If you are feeling like you are going to fall, try not to break your fall by putting your hands out. Lots of injuries happen this way. Roll with the fall. It will be clumsy but more efficient and less dangerous.
While still in the hips above ankles pose walk-in 6-8 inch steps at first to get the feeling for the motion. Remember, your feet will be weighted down so this will seem more interesting with the actual weight to adjust.
Putting on
Now put on a pair of skates. Doesn't matter if you're in your house on linoleum or carpet or on a skating rink or out in the garage. The process will now come together but be warned: rinks are slick surfaces, just like concrete in the garage. Carpet offers a lot of resistance, yes, but if you're going to fall, that might be better to start with. - Now walk with shoulders over hips, hips over ankles, naturally slightly bent at the knees. Get used to the bend at the knees. The earlier steps for shifting your weight from foot to foot now come into play. Once you have your balance over your ankles and are beginning to shift your weight comfortably, you will naturally want your weight over one ankle, the one with the lightly bent leg, while the other is now stretching away from you. That is the one you will be "pushing off" with—no more than a few inches at a time. As long as your hips and shoulders are comfortably holding your weight over one foot, the other can do anything or nothing.
Pushing off
"Pushing off" is the maneuver where you have your weight shifted and poised with a balance above one foot while the other "pushes" gently against the floor to give momentum. As this foot "pushes off" from the floor, you will need to place it, like walking, in front of the other foot. Then adjust your balance and weight to the opposite foot and repeat the action. Always keep the balance from the shoulder to the hips, and hips over the ankles. If your shoulders are leading, you will fall forward. If your hips are leading and not above the ankles, you will fall straight down. If your feet are leading, you will be all over the place and unable to stand correctly. *Wherever the shoulders, hips, and ankles are - is where you will be.* It's why I suggest trying at home on carpet first. Soft landings.
If using community-rented skates from the roller skates rink, don't just put them on and go out onto the floor. Have the wheels adjusted so they roll and don't clunk? Make sure the boot is a good fit. Don't tie them too tightly but make sure you have room to move. They are not skiing boots. Please don't treat them like skiing. Too tight around the ankles can cause just as many issues as too loose. Work with them. It might take 15 minutes of standing, walking, and pushing off to see what works for you. Then you have the rest of the 4-hour session to get worn out! Go have some fun!
All in all, learning to skate can make you happy. If you don't know how to choose a pair of skates, check out Candi Girl Skates. With a wide variety of styles, this roller skate store is the go-to for contemporary popular roller skates, especially women's roller skates.